Today, we are going to talk about the two types of narcissists, overt and covert.
An overt narcissists is the most obvious. An overt narcissist does not try to temper their behavior in front of others. He/She acts out in public by being aggressive, causing arguments and in general, being unruly. An overt narcissist is arrogant, demanding, pompous and boastful. An overt narcissist exhibits grandiose behavior, demands that he receives special treatment, portrays himself as the most knowledgeable in a special field, or many fields, and expects everyone's admiration. However, he is easily offended should he not get the admiration he feels he deserves and, should he receive any type of criticism, it might very well ignite a narcissistic rage.
An overt narcissist exploits people ruthlessly in his quest for power and control. He has the potential to obtain power and material wealth, but always at the expense of others. If these people do not obtain the success they desire, they may make up phony credentials to make others believe that they are, indeed, powerful and successful.
A covert narcissist, on the other hand, is discreet, although no less dangerous. The covert narcissist does not present a grandiose self to the world. Instead, he lives within, fantasizing about these non-existent attributes.
The covert narcissist tends to be depressed and withdrawn. He may suffer with anxiety and he may be pessimistic and unmotivated. He tries to get other people to do his bidding, And, when the covert narcissist has problems in his life (which he created) he will blame everyone and everything around him as to why his life is not going as he thinks it should be. Being passive-aggressive, he subtly projects all of his feelings of inadequacy to those who are close to him. It may be gaslighting during a casual conversation or it may even be during a narcissistic rage.
Both the overt and covert narcissist feels unworthy. They feel shame and insecurity, while having a very low self-esteem. They are envious of other people, or pretend that other people are envious of them. Other negative emotions include anger, hatred, and they have the need to control others. They both lie, manipulate, withhold love, slander, and abandon people, just to intentionally hurt them. They both exploit people to get whatever they need. Both types of narcissists will help themselves to your house, money, resources and energy, leaving you drained or even sick.
Keep in mind, that when a covert narcissist loses control, when they see that your supply may be in question, when things start falling apart for them, they will transition from being a covert to an overt narcissist. This will take their partner by surprise, as they are used to one type of narcissist and then, all of a sudden they find themselves with an overt narcissist. The sudden narcissistic rages will blow the partner away, so to speak, and they won't know what to do with this new situation. You may think that this type of behavior may just be temporary (maybe he's having a bad day, maybe he's too stressed), but once the covert narcissist turns into an overt narcissist, they can only focus on what they want, making life unbearable. If your supply is in question, they may turn to being cruel and vindictive. All of a sudden, everything that has gone wrong is your fault. And this is where a lot of projection takes place, most likely during narcissistic rages. You will be undermined, shamed, and abused in other ways. However, when you react or try to defend yourself, the whole situation is turned around to make it seem as though you are the problem. When you react in anger, he will say something like............ Look at you. Look how you are behaving. And he will make you believe that you are the problem. Then, you will be left feeling ashamed of the way you acted and you may even think that YOU are the problem. Keep in mind that during this outburst, you have received strong gaslighting and projection. But then notice that you are left feeling bad about yourself, while the narcissist is just fine.
Now, keep in mind that narcissistic traits are not one size fits all. These traits may very well overlap in different kinds of narcissists. Just be aware that entering into a relationship with a narcissist is very dangerous. They can steal your money, assets, energy, and even your personality, leaving you fragile, when you were once strong and independent. A narcissist doesn't have to be violent in order to kill. He can kill you by psychological manipulation. You may end up with psychological problems that may very well end up in physical illness, chronic physical illness, or acute illness that can very well take your life. Inward turmoil can result in serious diseases such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, grave's disease, and other autoimmune diseases. It can even result in cancer,.
There is good reason why they are called energy vampires and body snatchers. Because this is what they do.
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